The LYN Fund, Inc. distributes short-term financial aid, for basic living expenses, on behalf of patients with women's cancers who have lost all or a part of their income during active treatment. Payments are made directly to the patient’s creditors.
Short term is defined as a period of up to three consecutive months of non-medical financial assistance with a cap of $5,000, based on available funding. Please note our ability to provide support varies based on the number of qualified applicants and available funding. We suggest you seek out additional resources. Please visit our resource page by clicking here.
Basic living expenses considered are health insurance premiums, mortgage or rent payments, car payments, car insurance, or utilities. The LYN Fund, Inc. does not make payments for any medical treatments, prescription drugs (including hormone therapy), medical co-pays, insurance deductibles, prostheses, wigs, food, gasoline, or home or car repairs.
Active treatment is defined as the period after a positive diagnosis of women's cancers (breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine or ovarian cancer) has been made (with a diagnostic biopsy), and during which therapies are being administered, including surgical procedures (e.g., single or bi-lateral mastectomy, lumpectomy, axillary dissection or sentinel node biopsy), chemotherapy or radiation. For the purposes of The LYN Fund, Inc. active treatment does not include long-term hormonal therapies.
Recovery is defined as a time period determined by your physician and includes a return-to-work date.
The LYN Fund provides assistance to residents of Pinellas or Pasco County, Florida ONLY. If you reside in any other county or state, we encourage you to seek assistance from another source.
Should an applicant qualify, The LYN Fund, Inc. will make direct payments to the recipient’s creditors. No funds are directed to the recipients themselves. Expenses withdrawn automatically from a bank account will not be considered unless The LYN Fund, Inc. can make the payment directly to the creditor.
Application Instructions
Submit a COMPLETED APPLICATION (all 8 pages), plus any supplemental information requested
or that the applicant would like The LYN Fund to consider as part of their request, by email to:
The LYN Fund will review all applications and be in touch if additional information is required to present your application to its Advisory Board for approval.
Applications for Financial Assistance are presented and reviewed monthly and you will be notified of your final application status usually within thirty (30) days of receipt.
*The distribution of funds is not guaranteed and is at the sole discretion of The L.Y.N. Fund, Inc. and its Advisory Board .