How the journey began...
Love Your Neighbor. It’s necessary. And, that is how The LYN Fund came to be…
The LYN Fund founders Winna Morrin, Erica Lynford and Joanne Krapf met because of a mutual friend, Linda Tauber. When she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, the community of Palm Harbor came together to help her and her family. New friendships were forged, support chains created and a community need identified.
Linda lost her fight in September 2010. But her journey encouraged her friends to be more diligent with their mammograms and overall health. In April 2011, Winna was diagnosed with breast cancer. She credits Linda with being her guardian angel and prompting her to get checked. She caught it early and is now cancer-free.
As a breast cancer survivor, Winna saw firsthand how having a cancer diagnosis significantly takes you out of the game of life for quite some time. Luckily she was a stay at home mother, and didn't have the stress of missing work or possibly losing a job. Many aren’t so lucky…
Like Winna’s dear friend Lynne. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer a few years later and was desperate for help. A single mother with her own business cleaning homes and offices, she worked for as long as she possibly could, probably too long. How was she going to pay rent? How was she going to pay her electric bill or car payment? With Winna’s leadership, the community pulled together again to raise money to help Lynne and her family. Sadly, Lynne, too, lost her battle with cancer.
Linda's and Lynne’s legacies live on in The LYN Fund. Inspired by their journeys, fortified by the all-too-familiar cancer battles others we have all known have bravely fought, LYN is now making a difference, one dollar at a time helping others who are fighting the disease. Committed to its mission, The LYN Fund continues to be there for its neighbors providing support - financial, community and day-to-day - to those who reach out looking for assistance.
We continue to honor our LYNs and their memories and are guided by a simple mantra…"We Rise By Lifting Others".
The L.Y.N. Fund was founded due to the severe need for help with living expenses among those physically unable to work due to a cancer diagnosis.
Love Your Neighbor. It's necessary.
Our Mission
The LYN Fund's mission is to Love Your Neighbor.
The LYN Fund provides short term financial assistance to patients
with female cancers in Pinellas and Pasco Counties, Florida
who are in active treatment and recovery. This support assists
patients so they can focus on healing and recovering,
not on the financial stresses of everyday living expenses.

Winna's Story
After my own cancer diagnosis and watching my friends’ struggles, I realized the toll it takes on your life. After a double mastectomy, many complications and surgeries, I was in and out of the game of life for at least four years. I was lucky. I didn’t have financial worries on top of my health concerns.
Along the way, friends were also diagnosed with cancer. They were physically unable to work and lost valuable wages. I saw how this created unbelievable panic and worry and impacted their daily living situations. My circle of friends gathered many times to collect enough money to pay car payments, electric bills, rent, mortgages. We gathered gift cards for groceries and gas to get to doctor visits. We held fundraising events, and went online and created GoFundMe accounts so they could get through the next few weeks.
Then it would happen to another person. And another. And another…
Collectively we raised over $100,000 for breast cancer charities as well as families and friends who needed financial assistance due to a cancer diagnosis. It became apparent that this was an ongoing need – a severe one. And, from that awareness and commitment to helping those on their cancer journey, The LYN Fund was born.
Love Your Neighbor. It’s necessary.